A few weeks ago one evening contemplating the emerging shade loving plants in the woodbed I saw a rich brown something making it’s way down the byway to the side of the house, at first I thought it was a small terrier but it moved oddly – a hare was making speedy but not rushed progress along the road.
This morning at 7:30 in the parish field in front of the house a brown shape I thought it a small fox at first, but no the hare again. Seeming to be aware it was being watched it ambled around the field at one point up on it’s haunches the silvered ears swiveling to catch any sound, and then spooked by something it was off, streaking through the new fence. Gone the large quite bulky creature, transformed into the streamlined hare.
The new parish field fence has also allowed us to discover a badger path. Yours disgusted Mr Brock soon dug a scrape under the annoying fence to allow him on his way. Whether its a nightly ramble or an infrequent path we’ll soon find out.
Last weekend seems to have been au point for many birds. I discovered a beautifully built nest in the cold frame still heavy with wet mud built in the three days I hadn’t visited to water. Eschewing the nice new home we put up the Starlings have gone under the eaves again. After a screeching courtship last weekend they’ve settled down to nest building. The finches are hogging the sunflower seeds, Greenfinch is at the top of the pecking order (5 of them this morning) then a Bullfinch pair, the Goldfinch occasionally and the Chaffinch pair flutter around on the edges. Having not seen the woodpecker for months he (we presume) is drumming everywhere, a very old abandoned nestbox in an apple tree was a perfect amplifier to break the stillness yesterday morning.
I seem to have peony wilt on at least one P Rockii and a bit of die-back on another cultivar which is a pity if I have to abandon tree peonies. Two aquilegia I bought from a garden centre last year also started off well but looked dodgy so they’ve been burnt, I hope that doesn’t transfer to the other aquilegia.
After a warm and sunny few days the plum blossom has broken.