Feeble old continental high can’t push out the Atlantic lows, rain, gales, rain, more rain and guess what more rain = flooding. I saw the sun and a snippet of blue sky about an hour ago and now more driving rain. The groundwater is way up to the top of the holes we bored in the ground. I feel very sorry for people who have been flooded by both sea and fresh water. On a sort of plus side the temperatures aren’t too bad.
The wildlife cam has confirmed the fox is still around. I also saw what looked like landing prints in the mud by the stream. At the moment we only catch him or her on camera at night. The chickens are still behind electric fencing, sadly the free ranging days are over. These chickens seem to graze more than the previous lot and the grass is getting bald on the main patch. We’re looking at building a house on wheels (a scoot house) we can move around the garden. The garden is in better shape though. Gawky chicken got out last week and wreaked a trail of destruction Bergenia ciliata took a battering and is a shadow of its former self.
And although its somewhat early, the mild weather is bringing plants on and I’ve made a start on clearing and mulching the main borders. I may yet be rewarded for my efforts with a cold snap.
The bullfinches all tricked out in fresh attire have been dominating the seed feeder fighting the tits various off for over a week. The Long Tailed tits seem to prefer peanuts anyway as does the Spotted Woodpecker. A Blackcap has been grazing on honeysuckle berries.
Poking around in the woodbed, Hellebores various are out or lifting their heads including H purpurascens and I was surprised by the posies of the Chrysosplenium’s flowers, very dainty (from Pan Global Plants).