It’s Chelsea again and Cleve West got best in show for a luvverly garden. Otherwise the heat has turned up albeit briefly. The scent on the journey home was cut grass and BBQs. At lunchtime I walked through a field of Oil Seed Rape at over head height in full flower, didn’t get the sweet scent, only cabbage and surprisingly little insect activity not as buzzy as I would have thought.
Also congrats to Avon Bulbs on their Gold medal. I bought 5 bulbs of their Cammassia Avon Stellar Hybrids and am awaiting the colour combos, so far a pale biscuit and I think a blue is next … Quite exciting.
Saw clumps of what might be wild Solomons Seal in a ditch in Hampshire last week and an Early Purple Orchid. Sadly an over zealous contractor has cut the grass on orchid corner this year for some strange reason. I am hoping that the Pyramidal Orchids weren’t up enough to be topped and may yet flower – why West Berkshire Council are you so suddenly assiduous about your verges?? Bah Humbug