Hoorah! for the most part. The sun is shining, the heat has turned up and scent has returned. Last night’s home journey smells, hay, meadowsweet and other people’s barbecues.
Tonight on the way home the dominant scent was privet with a few wafts of mown grass and buddleja. In my garden it is all lily and honeysuckle with the swifts flying sorties. Temp 23C at 9:00pm.
Maybe me tenders will stop sulking and start doing something, come on you abutilons, daturas and salvias. The Monsonia emarginata (a geranium relative) from South Africa really really couldn’t hack it outside in the cold and wet, they started rotting off and had to go back into the greenhouse.
The only big downsides are having to water the pots again and how fast flowers ‘blow’. The golden petals are raining down from the Mount Etna Broom now.
Potatoes a total washout, the plants never really grew and we had maybe 10 wee scabby potatoes from 5 plants. Glad I don’t have to survive the winter on the veg patch gleanings!