It is the 1 May and this was going to be about rain, more rain, and even more rain, until late afternoon sun lightened the mood. Making my way into a soggy garden with glass of wine at 7:00pm I heard I thought a Swift. Two were flying high, underwings caught and gilded by the lowering sun.

At 8:00 pm I took my camera out and there were more. They are coming in on the rain bearing southerly air flow I suppose. I think its the Bath posse returned rather than passers through – who knows? They must be enjoying the insect harvest over the park tonight. 14 years ago there was a nesting pair in the house next door tucked up under the weatherboarding, but they have not been there for many years now.
They can’t be said to be ‘home’ as they are only with us for 3 months. But welcome ‘home’ to Bath! The Nature’s calendar website also tells the story that they are starting to come in.