Wonder of wonders, the sun is shining again today. Saw my first Brimstone butterfly on Friday and a Peacock woken from its slumbers yesterday. I should however have started my border clearing and weeding earlier as now I risk damaging emerging plants.
Daffodils nod in the sun demanding attention as the last modest snowdrops retreat for another year. I’ve planted mostly smaller daffs like Rip van Winkle although I’ve ended up with quite a blary trumpety one in one border, ho hum.
The Crocuses are getting their chance in the sun this year, honey bees have been rolling in the open cups especially C tommasinianus Whitwell Purple (this website noted that last year they were a month later). Another sign of spring, primroses flowering in hedgerows and a Gold Laced Primula in the garden. Not up to show standard but pretty nonetheless.